Retail and food service establishments are the most visible elements in the foodscape. “The retail sector of the food industry encompasses food sold to consumers for preparation and consumption at home as well as the final preparation of food for consumption away from home. Grocery stores and other food markets generally sell food that is not ready for consumption but will require the consumer to complete the final preparation.  Restaurants, cafeterias, deli’s, and food carts are common examples of businesses that perform the final preparation and sell the food ready for consumption” (Retail and Food Service Sector and Consumers). 

Institutional food service is another visible feature in the foodscape. “Institutional food service can be defined as entities that provide meals at institutions including schools, colleges and universities, and hospitals, as well as correctional facilities, public and private cafeterias, nursing homes, and day-care and senior centers. Interest lies in their potential roles in sourcing food from regional farmers, ranchers, and processors, thereby contributing to the development of regional food systems through farm to institution (FTI) or farm to cafeteria programs, of which farm to school (FTS) is the best known case. These programs combine local food procurement and experiential education to forge closer ties between farmers and consumers” (Conner).


Conner, D.S. (2014). Institutional Food Service. In: Thompson P.B., Kaplan D.M. (eds) Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics. Springer, Dordrecht.
Retail and Food Service Sector and Consumers. (n.d.). North Dakota State University.