Recently, local foodscapes have received attention as a healthy and sustainable alternative to the convenience and ultra-processed foods mass-produced by an unhealthy commercial food system. There are many different elements in local foodscapes, from farmers and other food producers to food coops and local food venues. And as with commercial food systems, local food systems need funding and support. Consequently, local food councils have been springing up around the country. “Food Councils create space for community conversations about healthy food, farms and commercial fisheries, fostering communications between producers, consumers and elected officials. They educate the public about local foods and how to improve access to foods grown or harvested in different regions of the state” (What is a Food Council?).

In addition to local funding and support, federal funding is also crucial. “Over the last several decades, publicly funded agricultural research has led to the advancement of countless innovative techniques and practices that have helped farmers across the country increase their profitability and sustainability. Investments in research underpin the success of any sector, including agriculture. All farmers need access to high-quality research that is relevant to their particular region and type of operation. This is particularly critical for diversified and organic growers – who on average tend to be younger, operate smaller operations, and have less access to capital and other resources. Federal research programs help farmers learn which crops will do well in their soils, which varieties and breeds are best suited for their climates, and how they and their communities can drive innovation and market opportunities. Because organic and sustainable agriculture research has not historically received the same level of investment as conventional agriculture, many organic and diversified growers have lacked access to and knowledge about seeds and management practices designed for their specific cropping systems. Even though investments in this research have risen over the last decade, it remains a tiny fraction of the annual federal investment in food and agriculture research generally” (Sustainable and Organic Research).

(PBS Food)


PBS Food. (March 6, 2014).  Community Supported Agriculture (CSAs): The Lexicon of Sustainability. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_uZSCaUaQY
Sustainable and Organic Research. (n.d.). National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition. https://sustainableagriculture.net/publications/grassrootsguide/sustainable-organic-research/. For article, click here.
What is a Food Council? (n.d.). North Carolina Local Food Council. https://www.nclocalfoodcouncil.org/what-is-a-food-council#:~:text=of%20the%20state.-,Food%20Councils%20create%20space%20for%20community%20conversations%20about%20healthy%20food,different%20regions%20of%20the%20state. For article, click here.